How to Take a Break During a Meeting

This is a quick guide on how to take a break during a meeting if people are tired or hungry, if members need to caucus, or if tensions are high.

The Skinny

  • What motion should you use to take a break during a meeting?
    Use the motion called Recess.
  • What should you say when making this motion?
    If you want to take a break immediately, say this: “I move to recess.”

    If you want to take a break at a future time, say this: “I move to recess at [time you want to recess].”See the next point for why it’s important to be precise as to when you want to take the break. 

  • When can you make this motion?
    If you want to take a break immediately, you can make this motion anytime that the motion to Adjourn or Fix the Time to Which to Adjourn is not on the floor.

    If you want to take a break at a future time, the motion is treated like a main motion, and you can make it only when no other main motion is on the floor.

  • Does someone have to say, “Second” after this motion is proposed?
  • Can people debate the pros and cons of this motion?
    If you want to take a break immediately, this motion cannot be debated. 

    If you want to take a break at a future time, this motion can be debated.

  • Can this motion be amended?
    If you want to take a break immediately, this motion can be amended as to the length of the break.

    If you want to take a break at a future time, this motion can be amended as to the time that the break will be taken.

  • How many votes does this motion need to pass?
    Majority. More than half of the votes cast must be in favor of ending the meeting.

An Example

  • A controversial main motion is on the floor, and the members need a break.
  • A member seeks recognition by the Chair, and once recognized, says, “I move that we recess until 2:00 p.m.” Or, “I move that we recess for 10 minutes.”
  • Another member says, “Second.”
  • The Chair takes a vote on the motion to recess the meeting.
  • If a majority agrees, the meeting is immediately recessed, and the group will continue meeting once the time for the recess is complete. If a majority does not agree, the meeting continues.

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