Looking for help to understand business meetings better and participate in your group with confidence? Civility resources are user-friendly tools that will provide you with knowledge of the rules so that you can run efficient, compliant meetings.

Robert’s Rules Cheat Sheet
At-a-glance introduction to parliamentary procedure and Robert’s Rules. Includes two of Civility’s most popular infographics: the lifecycle of a motion and a chart of secondary motions.

Lifecycle of a Motion
Shows the process of making a motion step-by-step—from initial recognition to taking a vote. Includes “what to say” language for both member and chairperson.

Motions Chart
Lists ranking and incidental motions. Identifies whether each motion can be interrupted, debated, or amended. Also includes vote needed for each type of motion.

Vote Counting Cheat Sheet
Includes voting terms, definitions, and visual examples of the number of “yes” votes needed for a motion to pass.

A Simple Guide to Governance Rules
Shows the hierarchy of rules which apply in organizational governance. Includes basic definitions.

How to Set Up a Meeting Room
Labeled diagram of a large meeting room or convention floor. Includes locations of speakers, attendees, microphones, and more.

Taking Minutes Cheat Sheet
Answers to five common questions about meeting minutes, including legality and basic procedure. Includes pro tips for how to take compliant minutes.

Taking Minutes Template
User-friendly checklist of every item that should or shouldn’t be included in the minutes for each section of a business meeting.

Business Meeting Basics
On-demand video course explaining the rules of business meetings. Includes 8 modules with 41 lessons, plus 4 Q&A sessions with attorney-parliamentarian Sarah E. Merkle.

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