How to Take a Break During a Meeting

This is a quick guide on how to take a break during a meeting if people are tired or hungry, if members need to caucus, or if tensions are high.

The Skinny

  • What motion should you use to take a break during a meeting?
    Use the motion called Recess.
  • What should you say when making this motion?
    If you want to take a break immediately, say this: “I move to recess.”If you want to take a break at a future time, say this: “I move to recess at [time you want to recess].”See the next point for why it’s important to be precise as to when you want to take the break. 
  • When can you make this motion?
    If you want to take a break immediately, you can make this motion anytime that the motion to Adjourn or Fix the Time to Which to Adjourn is not on the floor.If you want to take a break at a future time, the motion is treated like a main motion, and you can make it only when no other main motion is on the floor.
  • Does someone have to say, “Second” after this motion is proposed?
  • Can people debate the pros and cons of this motion?
    If you want to take a break immediately, this motion cannot be debated.If you want to take a break at a future time, this motion can be debated.
  • Can this motion be amended?
    If you want to take a break immediately, this motion can be amended as to the length of the break.If you want to take a break at a future time, this motion can be amended as to the time that the break will be taken.
  • How many votes does this motion need to pass?
    Majority. More than half of the votes cast must be in favor of ending the meeting.

An Example

  • A controversial main motion is on the floor, and the members need a break.
  • A member seeks recognition by the Chair, and once recognized, says, “I move that we recess until 2:00 p.m.” Or, “I move that we recess for 10 minutes.”
  • Another member says, “Second.”
  • The Chair takes a vote on the motion to recess the meeting.
  • If a majority agrees, the meeting is immediately recessed, and the group will continue meeting once the time for the recess is complete. If a majority does not agree, the meeting continues.

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