NEW On-demand Video Course to Help You Understand Business Meeting Rules
Circular chart divided in sections showing how a parliamentary motion proceeds from state to finish.

Infographic: Lifecycle of a Motion

Another new infographic is available online at Civility!

As I’ve assisted numerous organizations nationwide with their board and business meetings, I have frequently provided them with a printable, user-friendly infographic that describes the steps involved in making a motion.

The Motion Process

I promise—you’re not the only one who finds it hard to keep things straight when you’re presiding over the motion process. It’s very easy for many organizational leaders—even experienced ones—to get mixed up on the various steps as members make a motion—like, when a second should happen or when debate should take place. There is understandable pressure—being up in front of a group, wanting to conduct business with order and efficiency, and feeling nervous that a vote might go wrong.

All Six Steps

Many presiders have found it helpful to have this week’s featured infographic, titled “Lifecycle of a Motion,” printed and positioned on the podium in front of them as they chair a meeting.

The infographic pictures the lifecycle of a motion—all six steps, in order, beginning with recognition by the Chair and ending with a vote.

Included with each step are two short descriptions.

  • a brief explanation of what is to occur for each step
  • a scripted statement for the Chair to say for each step

Free Download 

lifecycle of a motionDownload this free infographic here and print it as a handy guide for your next meeting.

Explore other Civility resources to inform your process and make your next business meeting more efficient. Simply enter your name and email and these free PDFs are yours.

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