Imbalance number of wooden figures on opposite sides of balance beam; parliamentary majority concept

What Is a Majority Vote?

It’s probably a stretch to say that life is incomplete without a glossary of parliamentary procedure voting terms. But…understanding basic voting concepts is key to tracking with what’s happening in...

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magnifying glass, glasses, computer keyboard, tablet with entitled Meeting Minutes; parliamentary; importance of minutes

The Top 3 Reasons To Take Minutes

Most people have a decidedly neutral, if not utterly disinterested, relationship with the minutes that are taken at a meeting. And understandably so. Taking meeting minutes seems pretty much like...

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Cubes with letters; word “NOMINATE” spelled on center cubes; parliamentary nomination mistakes

2 Common Nominations Mistakes

It’s election season, and you’re ready to make some nominations and vote. But there are two mistakes that are frequently made when it comes to deciding who should be listed...

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