How to End a Meeting

This is a quick guide on how to end a meeting. A meeting can be concluded at a set time, or once all of the items on the agenda have...

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100 FAQs about Parliamentary Procedure

Since today’s post is… [drumroll!...] the 100th post of The Law of Order blog!—it felt fitting to offer you a fun flyover view of 100 common parliamentary procedure questions we...

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How to Continue a Meeting

This is a quick guide on how to continue a meeting at a later date if you can’t get everything done at the current meeting and don’t want to wait...

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Multicolored/sectioned Inverted triangle; hierarchy of laws relating civil to parliamentary law

What Is the Standard Code?

Personally, I love a situation where I have more than one good option. And this is precisely how I feel about the parliamentary authority known as The Standard Code of...

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What Is Robert’s Rules?

In the world of parliamentary procedure, Henry Martyn Robert is a popular guy. His status was largely achieved with one book he wrote back in 1876, detailing rules for organizations...

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